April 21, 2007

Design of an Apple Badge

I love this Apple employee badge. It's a perfect example of good design.

I've always hated employee badges otherwise. Employees who stride around company premises proudly displaying them appear funny to me. Why? Because I'm passionate about innovation and this practice reeks of bureaucracy and an attempt to stifle individual creativity. It appears (to me) somehow symbolic to tagging criminals in a jail. It says I must leave my individuality outside the door. Once I'm in, I'm part of the "herd," a cog in the wheel, no more. Thankfully, I've never had to work at a place where I had to wear one. Even while visiting companies I try to keep the visitors badge in my pocket unless specifically instructed to "keep it visible at all times."

But this post isn't about my personal preferences, it's about design.

So what's wrong with the design of a typical employee ID badge? Too much extraneous information. Lets take three examples. Consider this badge at right, what's the most prominent piece of information on it? That this person is an "EMPLOYEE". Well, duh! Of course she's an employee. Someone at this company thought that differentiating between employees, visitors and contractors was the most important goal of a badge. But hey, what about the name of the person? Can you make out the name in this badge? I can't. Besides, if differentiating employees from others is so important, it can be done by color coding badges to different categories. So, for example, when you see a yellow badge from a distance you instantly know that's a visitor. A much more effective way.

In this example, while the name is prominent, it is the large bar-code that stands out from the background. What value does it serve to a person looking at it - none. Could it have been at the back - most certainly. The picture isn't sufficiently clear and the logo is too big. In the designation, "of MagicalMountain.net" is extraneous. Just "Owner" would have been sufficient. The logo comes with an illegible slogan and three other phrases under it are illegible as well.

The final example is the least bad of the three. The logo is proportionate, picture clear and so is name and designation. However, this badge is too well structured. While it is something that works, it's also boring. Not something that will make you particularly happy wearing it. It's the kind of badge you will see at a large company like IBM.

Compare all these badges with Apple's badge at top. There are just three things on it: name of the employee, company logo and employee photograph. The name is extremely prominent. Notice that it's wider than even the company logo! Apart from the usefulness of a clearly legible name, this emphasis could also signify how well the company values the individual. There is no mention of designation or department which indicates egalitarian nature of the company and disregard of hierarchy. So an entry level employee from a lowly department such as "Admin" would sport an identical badge to the one worn by Steve Jobs, Apple CEO! The picture itself is inviting too - so you can approach the person at a company party without intimidation, and large enough - for security personnel to compare with the person carrying the badge. The extraneous background in the photograph has been removed, leaving only the most relevant part- the face.

Finally, if you look closely, you will notice that Apple badge is printed on recycled paper, denoting sensitivity to the environment. If Apple puts so much thought and care into an employee badge, one can imagine how well thought their products might be.

UPDATE, 23-Apr: I've been told that it's printed on plastic.

UPDATE, 24-Apr: It gets better. Looks like Apple even lets their employees personalise the photograph with props and randomly assigns a color to their Apple logo. This comes in from an Apple employee writing in comments:
All Company employees are randomly assigned a color to their Apple logo which appears on business cards and badges. There are five colors matched to the old iMac colors, and they're always a first icebreaker sort of bonding between employees with the same color. Also, we take the ID photos in front of a blue screen and props are encouraged! I've seen surfboards, tennis rackets, stuffed fish, and much more.

13 Comments so far      

Blogger Unknown:

Now this one I TOTALLY agree with!
I have always disliked the badge system ... Hate to dangle them on my neck when I am visiting one of these companies...
and yes your insight into the Apple
badge fits perfectly...

Its this necessity to put too much information in words, legible or not into one little piece of paper that defies the whole purpose. Sometimes its just about the absolute "necessary".

And your insight into the hierarchy and the beaurocracy bit is also perfectly in place... that's exactly what these badges say!

I would go a step further and say that a similar attitude is conveyed by the buildings these individuals with these badges work in.
Glass, closed, artificial ventilation...what does that say to me? Just that... "We are closed to the outside world".

22 April 2007 at 11:53:00 GMT+5:30 link  
Blogger Manu Sharma:

Yes I agree. How a company views itself reflects in every little thing they do. It's transparent to a person who can see through these things.

22 April 2007 at 12:02:00 GMT+5:30 link  
Anonymous Anonymous:

Most definitely printed on plastic, with embedded RFIDs for building access. A couple other notes you might enjoy: all Company employees are randomly assigned a "color" to their "apple" logo which appears on business cards and badges. There's five colors matched to the old iMac colors, and they're always a first icebreaker sort of bonding between employees with the same color. Also, we take the ID photos in front of a blue screen and props are encouraged! I've seen surfboards, tennis rackets, stuffed fish, and much more.

24 April 2007 at 21:50:00 GMT+5:30 link  
Blogger Manu Sharma:

Thank you! This is why I love Apple. :D

24 April 2007 at 22:28:00 GMT+5:30 link  
Anonymous Anonymous:

Iam putting forth a very rubbish comment! You seem to be fascinated with "Apple" then why "Orange hues"?
Is this name more "fruit"ful?

26 April 2007 at 21:25:00 GMT+5:30 link  
Blogger Manu Sharma:

Evocative names have greater chance of being retained in the memory. The word orange evokes multiple feelings, color, fruit, texture and fragrance. Hues is for the orange picture theme.

26 April 2007 at 22:04:00 GMT+5:30 link  
Anonymous Anonymous:

great observation, most employee badges are designed badly and it shows. the color coding is a great idea to differentiate different levels of personnel.

also love the content of some of your topics.

3 May 2007 at 16:53:00 GMT+5:30 link  
Anonymous Anonymous:

hi manu,

how about adding seen horrifying batches of indian IT companies. specially visitor batches (thats what i am most of the time) which make you feel like a convict.

at niit gurgaon the guard takes a horrible pic of yours from webcam and pastes it on the card. the pics are pasted one above another therby making the card look like a sticker bin. and for this, you have to wait at the checkpost. funnily, when the cam or printer is not working they write a code with hand. i never understoof the security strategy behind it.

in other companies the visitors batch has a number printed on it in a large font size. number is the only thing visible - convict number 079:) no doubts vendors (read service providers) are regarded as some sort of cheats.

navin pangti

4 June 2007 at 14:38:00 GMT+5:30 link  
Blogger Manu Sharma:

Good idea, Navin. Try taking a picture next time you see such a badge and send it to me. I'll update the post. It will be the most interesting addition. =)

4 June 2007 at 14:44:00 GMT+5:30 link  
Anonymous Anonymous:

I agree with u Manu very much. Even in my own company I keep my Id in the pocket and use it only for swiping and to show it to the security at the entrance to let me in.

But I have seen a complaint by a girl against hiding the badges in that she saw a cute guy, but couldnt find out about him cos he had hs badge inside his pocket :-)

15 June 2007 at 12:52:00 GMT+5:30 link  
Blogger Manu Sharma:

All the more reason for a badge to be attractive so that we can keep it visible at all times.

15 June 2007 at 13:32:00 GMT+5:30 link  
Blogger Martin Gomez:

IBM's badge is pretty simple and straight-forward. Sample at http://bp3.blogger.com/_GkbxW72pVM0/RkV9wW0LDXI/AAAAAAAAA4w/xct0u-aDB6c/s320/IBM_Badge.JPG

25 May 2008 at 21:37:00 GMT+5:30 link  
Anonymous Anonymous:

Color coding (as you suggest) is great... until you run into someone who's colorblind. Or just plain blind. Oops!

17 September 2012 at 00:25:00 GMT+5:30 link  

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