May 30, 2008

Climate Change Solutions: Delhi Youth Summit Presentation

I just attended the Delhi Youth Summit on Climate organised by the enterprising folks at Indian Youth Climate Network (IYCN) who put this event together in three weeks!

I made a presentation on Countering the Challenge: Youth and the role of media in social and political transformation. I talked about the challenge from climate change (its severity, scale and the speed of changes needed), causes of this challenge and how we should counter it.

What I hoped to achieve through the presentation is instill a sense of urgency about the problem and show a path towards solutions. I proposed that a widespread and comprehensive media campaign targeted both at the society and the leadership can bring about the required changes in our attitudes and policies so that we can begin to tackle this problem.

The underlying argument is that personal lifestyle changes although important will not bring about the change needed and that it can be meaningfully addressed only through policy changes. I also argue that technology is not holding us back, rather it's lack of social awareness (about severity, scale and speed) and lack of political will. I've tried to show how we can change this with the help of media.

The presentation contains some video clips so it's quite large. There are two ways to download.
    Download presentation & videos separately and add videos to it later.
    Presentation (876 kb zipped)
    Videos (32 mb zipped). Also on YouTube.

    Get entire presentation including the videos.
    Available here (36.4 mb zipped).
    This method is not recommended but still provided for those who don't have time and have the bandwidth.
It's a little crude in its present state (I put it together the night before presenting it). But the message is important and I hope it gets through. I will continue to work on it to refine and make it more compelling. Will update this post as and when I do.

You are free to use this in any way you wish (as long as you don't call it your own!). If you use the material without changing the intended message, please attribute the source and provide links (you'll find them on the last page). If you want any help in presenting it, feel free to email

2 Comments so far      

Anonymous Anonymous:

the india youth climate is the best thin that i ahve headr so far this effort of spreadin global warming is a graet thing ...

3 February 2009 at 21:37:00 GMT+5:30 link  
Blogger Unknown:

how do we save our enviornment ???????/

26 February 2009 at 19:52:00 GMT+5:30 link  

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